Python API

Quake Index and Configuration

class quake.QuakeIndex
add(self: quake._bindings.QuakeIndex, arg0: torch.Tensor, arg1: torch.Tensor) ModifyTimingInfo

Add new vectors to the index.

  • x (Tensor) – Tensor of vectors to add.

  • ids (Tensor) – Tensor of corresponding IDs.

build(self: quake._bindings.QuakeIndex, arg0: torch.Tensor, arg1: torch.Tensor, arg2: IndexBuildParams) BuildTimingInfo

Build the index from a tensor of vectors and a corresponding tensor of IDs.

  • x (Tensor) – Tensor of shape [num_vectors, dimension].

  • ids (Tensor) – Tensor of shape [num_vectors].

  • build_params (IndexBuildParams) – Parameters for building the index. Defaults include: - niter: default = 5 - metric: default = l2 - num_workers: default = 0

property current_level

The current level of the index.

get(self: quake._bindings.QuakeIndex, arg0: torch.Tensor) torch.Tensor

Retrieve vectors from the index by ID.


ids (Tensor) – Tensor of IDs to retrieve.

get_ids(self: quake._bindings.QuakeIndex) torch.Tensor

Return all vector IDs stored in the index.

initialize_maintenance_policy(self: quake._bindings.QuakeIndex, arg0: MaintenancePolicyParams) None

Initialize the maintenance policy for the index.


maintenance_policy_params (MaintenancePolicyParams) – Parameters for the maintenance policy.

load(self: quake._bindings.QuakeIndex, arg0: str, arg1: int) None

Load an index from a specified path.

  • path (str) – The path from which to load the index.

  • n_workers (int, optional) – Number of workers for query processing (default = 0).

maintenance(self: quake._bindings.QuakeIndex) MaintenanceTimingInfo

Perform maintenance operations on the index (e.g., splits and merges). Returns timing information for the maintenance operation.

nlist(self: quake._bindings.QuakeIndex) int

Return the number of partitions (lists) in the index.

ntotal(self: quake._bindings.QuakeIndex) int

Return the total number of vectors stored in the index.

property parent

Return the parent index over the centroids.

remove(self: quake._bindings.QuakeIndex, arg0: torch.Tensor) ModifyTimingInfo

Remove vectors from the index.


ids (Tensor) – Tensor of IDs to remove.

save(self: quake._bindings.QuakeIndex, arg0: str) None

Save the index to a specified path.


path (str) – The path to save the index.

search(self: quake._bindings.QuakeIndex, arg0: torch.Tensor, arg1: SearchParams) SearchResult

Search the index for nearest neighbors.

  • x (Tensor) – Query tensor of shape [num_queries, dimension].

  • search_params (SearchParams) – Parameters for the search operation. Defaults include: - k: default = 1 - nprobe: default = 1 - recall_target: default = -1.000000

class quake.SearchParams
property aps_flush_period_us

APS flush period in microseconds. default = 100

property batched_scan

Flag for batched scanning. default = 0

property initial_search_fraction

Initial fraction of partitions to search. default = 0.200000

property k

Number of neighbors to return. default = 1

property nprobe

Number of partitions to probe. default = 1

property num_threads

Number of threads to use for search within a single worker.

property recall_target

Recall target. default = -1.000000

property recompute_threshold

Threshold to trigger recomputation of APS. default = 0.010000

property use_precomputed

Flag to use precomputed inc beta fn for APS. default = 0

class quake.IndexBuildParams
property metric

Distance metric. default = l2

property niter

Number of k-means iterations. default = 5

property nlist

Number of clusters (lists). default = 0

property num_workers

Number of workers. default = 0

class quake.MaintenancePolicyParams
property alpha

Alpha parameter. default = 0.900000

property delete_threshold_ns

Delete threshold (ns). default = 20.000000

property enable_delete_rejection

Enable delete rejection. default = 1

property enable_split_rejection

Enable split rejection. default = 1

property k_large

Large k value for maintenance. default = 50

property k_small

Small k value for maintenance. default = 50

property maintenance_policy

Maintenance policy type. default = query_cost

property max_partition_ratio

Maximum allowed partition ratio. default = 2.000000

property min_partition_size

Minimum allowed partition size. default = 32

property modify_centroids

Flag to modify centroids during maintenance. default = 1

property refinement_iterations

Number of refinement iterations. default = 3

property refinement_radius

Radius for local partition refinement. default = 100

property split_threshold_ns

Split threshold (ns). default = 20.000000

property target_partition_size

Target partition size. default = 1000

property window_size

Window size for measuring hit rates. default = 1000

class quake.SearchResult
property distances

Distances to the nearest neighbors.

property ids

Indices of the nearest neighbors.

property timing_info

Timing information for the search operation.

class quake.MaintenanceTimingInfo
property delete_refine_time_us

Time taken for refinement of delete operations in microseconds.

property delete_time_us

Time taken for delete operations in microseconds.

property n_deletes

Number of partition delete operations performed.

property n_splits

Number of partition split operations performed.

property split_refine_time_us

Time taken for refinement of split operations in microseconds.

property split_time_us

Time taken for split operations in microseconds.

property total_time_us

Total time taken for maintenance in microseconds.

class quake.SearchTimingInfo
property boundary_distance_time_ns

Time spent on computing boundary distances in nanoseconds.

property buffer_init_time_ns

Time spent on initializing buffers in nanoseconds.

property job_enqueue_time_ns

Time spent on creating jobs in nanoseconds.

property job_wait_time_ns

Time spent waiting for jobs to complete in nanoseconds.

property n_clusters

Number of clusters searched.

property n_queries

Number of queries performed.

property parent_info

Search info for the parent index.

property partitions_scanned

Number of partitions scanned.

property result_aggregate_time_ns

Time spent on aggregating results in nanoseconds.

property search_params

Parameters used for the search operation.

property total_time_ns

Total time taken for the search operation in nanoseconds.

class quake.BuildTimingInfo
property assign_time_us

Time taken for assignment in microseconds.

property code_size

Size of PQ codes in bytes.

property d

Dimension of the vectors.

property n_codebooks

Number of codebooks in the index.

property n_vectors

Number of vectors in the index.

property total_time_us

Total time taken for the build operation in microseconds.

property train_time_us

Time taken for training in microseconds.

class quake.ModifyTimingInfo
property find_partition_time_us

Time taken to find the partition for the modify operation in microseconds.

property input_validation_time_us

Time taken for validation in microseconds.

property modify_count
property modify_time_us

Total time taken for the modify operation in microseconds.

Workload Generation and Evaluation

class quake.workload_generator.DynamicWorkloadGenerator(workload_dir: str | Path, base_vectors: ndarray, metric: str, insert_ratio: float, delete_ratio: float, query_ratio: float, update_batch_size: int, query_batch_size: int, number_of_operations: int, initial_size: int, cluster_size: int, cluster_sample_distribution: str, queries: ndarray, query_cluster_sample_distribution: str = 'uniform', seed: int = 1738, initial_clustering_path: str | Path | None = None, overwrite: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

Generates a dynamic workload from a static vector search dataset.

  1. Cluster the base vectors.

  2. Initialize the workload with an initial resident set.

  3. Generate operations (insert, delete, query) according to given ratios.

  4. Save each operation and a runbook that includes a summary.


Generate the workload and print a summary at the end.

sample(size: int, operation_type: str)[source]
class quake.workload_generator.StratifiedClusterSampler(assignments: Tensor, centroids: Tensor)[source]

Bases: VectorSampler

Sample vectors from clusters.

This sampler uses cluster assignments and centroid distances to sample in a stratified fashion.

sample(sample_pool: Tensor, size: int, update_ranks: bool = True)[source]

Sample vectors for an operation.

update_ranks(root_cluster: int)[source]
class quake.workload_generator.UniformSampler[source]

Bases: VectorSampler

Uniformly sample vectors.

sample(sample_pool: Tensor, size: int, update_ranks: bool = True)[source]

Sample vectors for an operation.

class quake.workload_generator.VectorSampler[source]

Bases: ABC

Abstract class for sampling vectors.

abstractmethod sample(size: int)[source]

Sample vectors for an operation.

class quake.workload_generator.WorkloadEvaluator(workload_dir: str | Path, output_dir: str | Path, base_vectors_path: str | Path | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

Evaluates a generated workload on a given index and produces summary statistics and plots.

evaluate_workload(name, index, build_params, search_params, do_maintenance=False)[source]

Evaluate the workload on the index. At the end a summary is printed and a multi-panel plot is saved.

initialize_index(name, index, build_params)[source]
quake.workload_generator.run_query(index, queries: Tensor, search_k: int, search_params: dict, gt_ids: Tensor, single_query: bool = True, tune_nprobe: bool = False, nprobes: Tensor | None = None)[source]

Run queries on the index and compute the recall.

Built-in Datasets

class quake.datasets.ann_datasets.Dataset[source]

Bases: ABC

abstractmethod download(overwrite: bool = False)[source]
download_dir: Path = None
abstractmethod is_downloaded() bool[source]
load() List[ndarray | Tensor][source]
abstractmethod load_ground_truth() ndarray | Tensor[source]
abstractmethod load_queries() ndarray | Tensor[source]
abstractmethod load_vectors() ndarray | Tensor[source]
metric: str = 'l2'
url: str = None
class quake.datasets.ann_datasets.Sift1m(download_dir: str | Path = PosixPath('data'))[source]

Bases: Dataset

download(overwrite: bool = False)[source]
is_downloaded() bool[source]
load_ground_truth() ndarray | Tensor[source]
load_queries() ndarray | Tensor[source]
load_vectors() ndarray | Tensor[source]
url: str = ''
quake.datasets.ann_datasets.load_dataset(name: str, download_dir: str = PosixPath('data'), overwrite_download: bool = False) List[ndarray | Tensor][source]

Index Wrappers

class quake.index_wrappers.quake.QuakeWrapper[source]

Bases: IndexWrapper

add(vectors: Tensor, ids: Tensor | None = None, num_threads: int = 0)[source]

Add vectors to the index.

  • vectors – The vectors to add to the index.

  • ids – The ids of the vectors to add to the index.

assignments: Tensor | None
build(vectors: Tensor, nc: int, metric: str = 'l2', ids: Tensor | None = None, n_workers: int = 0, m: int = -1, code_size: int = 8)[source]

Build the index with the given vectors and arguments.

  • vectors – The vectors to build the index with.

  • nc – The number of centroids (ivf).

  • metric – The distance metric to use, optional. Default is “l2”.

  • ids – The ids of the vectors.

centroids() Tensor[source]

Return the centroids of the index.


The centroids of the index

cluster_ids() Tensor[source]

Return the cluster assignments of the vectors in the index.


The cluster ids of the index

d() int[source]

Return the dimension of the vectors in the index.


The dimension of the vectors in the index.

index: QuakeIndex
index_state() dict[source]

Return the state of the index.

  • n_list: The number of centroids in the index.

  • `n_total’: The number of vectors in the index.

  • metric: The distance metric used in the index.


The state of the index as a dictionary.

load(filename: str, n_workers: int = 1, use_numa: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, verify_numa: bool = False, same_core: bool = True, use_centroid_workers: bool = False, use_adaptive_n_probe: bool = False)[source]

Load the index from a file.


filename – The name of the file to load the index from.


Perform maintenance on the index. :return: maintenance results

metric() str[source]

Return the metric of the index.


The metric of the index.

n_total() int[source]

Return the number of vectors in the index.


The number of vectors in the index.

remove(ids: Tensor)[source]

Remove vectors from the index.


indices – The indices of the vectors to remove.

save(filename: str)[source]

Save the index to a file.


filename – The name of the file to save the index to.

search(query: Tensor, k: int, nprobe: int = 1, batched_scan=False, recall_target: float = -1, k_factor=4.0, use_precomputed=True) Tuple[Tensor, Tensor][source]

Find the k-nearest neighbors of the query vectors.

  • query – The query vectors.

  • k – The number of nearest neighbors to find.

  • nprobe – The number of centroids to visit during search. Default is 1.


The distances and indices of the k-nearest neighbors.

class quake.index_wrappers.faiss_ivf.FaissIVF[source]

Bases: IndexWrapper

Wrapper class for faiss indexes.

add(vectors: Tensor, ids: Tensor | None = None, num_threads: int = 0)[source]

Add vectors to the index.

  • vectors – The vectors to add to the index.

  • ids – The ids of the vectors to add to the index.


AssertionError – If the vectors are not 2-dimensional.

build(vectors: Tensor, nc: int, m: int = 0, b: int = 0, metric: str = 'l2', ids: Tensor | None = None)[source]

Build the index with the given vectors and arguments. When nc is 0, the index is a flat index or PQ index. When nc is not 0, the index is an IVF or IVFPQ index. (PQ is presence only if m and b are not 0)

  • vectors – The vectors to build the index with.

  • nc – The number of centroids (ivf).

  • m – The number of subquantizers (pq), optional. Default is 0.

  • b – The number of bytes per code (pq), optional. Default is 0.

  • metric – The distance metric to use, optional. Default is “l2”.


AssertionError – If any of the constraints on nc, m, or b are violated.

centroids() Tensor | None[source]

Return the centroids of the index if it is an IVF index. Otherwise, return None.


The centroids of the index or None if the index is not an IVF index.

Return type:

Union[torch.Tensor, None]

d() int[source]

Return the dimension of the vectors in the index.


The dimension of the vectors in the index.

index: Index
index_state() dict[source]

Return the state of the index.

  • n_list: The number of centroids in the index.

  • `n_total’: The number of vectors in the index.

  • metric: The distance metric used in the index.


The state of the index as a dictionary.

index_type: IndexType
load(filename: str)[source]

Load the index from a file.


filename – The name of the file to load the index from.


Perform any necessary maintenance operations on the index

n_total() int[source]

Return the number of vectors in the index.


The number of vectors in the index.

remove(ids: Tensor)[source]

Remove vectors from the index. :param ids: The ids of the vectors to remove.

save(filename: str)[source]

Save the index to a file.


filename – The name of the file to save the index to.

search(query: Tensor, k: int, nprobe: int = 1, rf: int = 1, batched_scan: bool = False) Tuple[Tensor, Tensor][source]

Find the k-nearest neighbors of the query vectors.

  • query – The query vectors.

  • k – The number of nearest neighbors to find.

  • nprobe – The number of centroids to visit during search. Default is 1. Only used for IVF indexes.

  • rf – The re-ranking factor. Search for rf * k results to re-rank. Default is 1. Only used for PQ indexes.


The distances and indices of the k-nearest neighbors.

class quake.index_wrappers.faiss_ivf.IndexType(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

Enum class for the different types of indexes.

FLAT = 0
IVF = 2
PQ = 1
quake.index_wrappers.faiss_ivf.faiss_metric_to_str(metric: int) str[source]

Convert the faiss metric to the corresponding string. :param metric: The faiss metric to convert. :return: The string metric.

quake.index_wrappers.faiss_ivf.metric_str_to_faiss(metric: str) int[source]

Convert the metric to the corresponding faiss metric. :param metric: The metric to convert. :return: The faiss metric.