Python API
Quake Index and Configuration
- class quake.QuakeIndex
- add(self: quake._bindings.QuakeIndex, arg0: torch.Tensor, arg1: torch.Tensor) ModifyTimingInfo
Add new vectors to the index.
- Parameters:
x (Tensor) – Tensor of vectors to add.
ids (Tensor) – Tensor of corresponding IDs.
- build(self: quake._bindings.QuakeIndex, arg0: torch.Tensor, arg1: torch.Tensor, arg2: IndexBuildParams) BuildTimingInfo
Build the index from a tensor of vectors and a corresponding tensor of IDs.
- Parameters:
x (Tensor) – Tensor of shape [num_vectors, dimension].
ids (Tensor) – Tensor of shape [num_vectors].
build_params (IndexBuildParams) – Parameters for building the index. Defaults include: - niter: default = 5 - metric: default = l2 - num_workers: default = 0
- property current_level
The current level of the index.
- get(self: quake._bindings.QuakeIndex, arg0: torch.Tensor) torch.Tensor
Retrieve vectors from the index by ID.
- Parameters:
ids (Tensor) – Tensor of IDs to retrieve.
- get_ids(self: quake._bindings.QuakeIndex) torch.Tensor
Return all vector IDs stored in the index.
- initialize_maintenance_policy(self: quake._bindings.QuakeIndex, arg0: MaintenancePolicyParams) None
Initialize the maintenance policy for the index.
- Parameters:
maintenance_policy_params (MaintenancePolicyParams) – Parameters for the maintenance policy.
- load(self: quake._bindings.QuakeIndex, arg0: str, arg1: int) None
Load an index from a specified path.
- Parameters:
path (str) – The path from which to load the index.
n_workers (int, optional) – Number of workers for query processing (default = 0).
- maintenance(self: quake._bindings.QuakeIndex) MaintenanceTimingInfo
Perform maintenance operations on the index (e.g., splits and merges). Returns timing information for the maintenance operation.
- nlist(self: quake._bindings.QuakeIndex) int
Return the number of partitions (lists) in the index.
- ntotal(self: quake._bindings.QuakeIndex) int
Return the total number of vectors stored in the index.
- property parent
Return the parent index over the centroids.
- remove(self: quake._bindings.QuakeIndex, arg0: torch.Tensor) ModifyTimingInfo
Remove vectors from the index.
- Parameters:
ids (Tensor) – Tensor of IDs to remove.
- save(self: quake._bindings.QuakeIndex, arg0: str) None
Save the index to a specified path.
- Parameters:
path (str) – The path to save the index.
- search(self: quake._bindings.QuakeIndex, arg0: torch.Tensor, arg1: SearchParams) SearchResult
Search the index for nearest neighbors.
- Parameters:
x (Tensor) – Query tensor of shape [num_queries, dimension].
search_params (SearchParams) – Parameters for the search operation. Defaults include: - k: default = 1 - nprobe: default = 1 - recall_target: default = -1.000000
- class quake.SearchParams
- property aps_flush_period_us
APS flush period in microseconds. default = 100
- property batched_scan
Flag for batched scanning. default = 0
- property initial_search_fraction
Initial fraction of partitions to search. default = 0.200000
- property k
Number of neighbors to return. default = 1
- property nprobe
Number of partitions to probe. default = 1
- property num_threads
Number of threads to use for search within a single worker.
- property recall_target
Recall target. default = -1.000000
- property recompute_threshold
Threshold to trigger recomputation of APS. default = 0.010000
- property use_precomputed
Flag to use precomputed inc beta fn for APS. default = 0
- class quake.IndexBuildParams
- property metric
Distance metric. default = l2
- property niter
Number of k-means iterations. default = 5
- property nlist
Number of clusters (lists). default = 0
- property num_workers
Number of workers. default = 0
- class quake.MaintenancePolicyParams
- property alpha
Alpha parameter. default = 0.900000
- property delete_threshold_ns
Delete threshold (ns). default = 20.000000
- property enable_delete_rejection
Enable delete rejection. default = 1
- property enable_split_rejection
Enable split rejection. default = 1
- property k_large
Large k value for maintenance. default = 50
- property k_small
Small k value for maintenance. default = 50
- property maintenance_policy
Maintenance policy type. default = query_cost
- property max_partition_ratio
Maximum allowed partition ratio. default = 2.000000
- property min_partition_size
Minimum allowed partition size. default = 32
- property modify_centroids
Flag to modify centroids during maintenance. default = 1
- property refinement_iterations
Number of refinement iterations. default = 3
- property refinement_radius
Radius for local partition refinement. default = 100
- property split_threshold_ns
Split threshold (ns). default = 20.000000
- property target_partition_size
Target partition size. default = 1000
- property window_size
Window size for measuring hit rates. default = 1000
- class quake.SearchResult
- property distances
Distances to the nearest neighbors.
- property ids
Indices of the nearest neighbors.
- property timing_info
Timing information for the search operation.
- class quake.MaintenanceTimingInfo
- property delete_refine_time_us
Time taken for refinement of delete operations in microseconds.
- property delete_time_us
Time taken for delete operations in microseconds.
- property n_deletes
Number of partition delete operations performed.
- property n_splits
Number of partition split operations performed.
- property split_refine_time_us
Time taken for refinement of split operations in microseconds.
- property split_time_us
Time taken for split operations in microseconds.
- property total_time_us
Total time taken for maintenance in microseconds.
- class quake.SearchTimingInfo
- property boundary_distance_time_ns
Time spent on computing boundary distances in nanoseconds.
- property buffer_init_time_ns
Time spent on initializing buffers in nanoseconds.
- property job_enqueue_time_ns
Time spent on creating jobs in nanoseconds.
- property job_wait_time_ns
Time spent waiting for jobs to complete in nanoseconds.
- property n_clusters
Number of clusters searched.
- property n_queries
Number of queries performed.
- property parent_info
Search info for the parent index.
- property partitions_scanned
Number of partitions scanned.
- property result_aggregate_time_ns
Time spent on aggregating results in nanoseconds.
- property search_params
Parameters used for the search operation.
- property total_time_ns
Total time taken for the search operation in nanoseconds.
- class quake.BuildTimingInfo
- property assign_time_us
Time taken for assignment in microseconds.
- property code_size
Size of PQ codes in bytes.
- property d
Dimension of the vectors.
- property n_codebooks
Number of codebooks in the index.
- property n_vectors
Number of vectors in the index.
- property total_time_us
Total time taken for the build operation in microseconds.
- property train_time_us
Time taken for training in microseconds.
- class quake.ModifyTimingInfo
- property find_partition_time_us
Time taken to find the partition for the modify operation in microseconds.
- property input_validation_time_us
Time taken for validation in microseconds.
- property modify_count
- property modify_time_us
Total time taken for the modify operation in microseconds.
Workload Generation and Evaluation
- class quake.workload_generator.DynamicWorkloadGenerator(workload_dir: str | Path, base_vectors: ndarray, metric: str, insert_ratio: float, delete_ratio: float, query_ratio: float, update_batch_size: int, query_batch_size: int, number_of_operations: int, initial_size: int, cluster_size: int, cluster_sample_distribution: str, queries: ndarray, query_cluster_sample_distribution: str = 'uniform', seed: int = 1738, initial_clustering_path: str | Path | None = None, overwrite: bool = False)[source]
Generates a dynamic workload from a static vector search dataset.
- Workflow:
Cluster the base vectors.
Initialize the workload with an initial resident set.
Generate operations (insert, delete, query) according to given ratios.
Save each operation and a runbook that includes a summary.
- class quake.workload_generator.StratifiedClusterSampler(assignments: Tensor, centroids: Tensor)[source]
Sample vectors from clusters.
This sampler uses cluster assignments and centroid distances to sample in a stratified fashion.
- class quake.workload_generator.UniformSampler[source]
Uniformly sample vectors.
- class quake.workload_generator.VectorSampler[source]
Abstract class for sampling vectors.
- class quake.workload_generator.WorkloadEvaluator(workload_dir: str | Path, output_dir: str | Path, base_vectors_path: str | Path | None = None)[source]
Evaluates a generated workload on a given index and produces summary statistics and plots.
Built-in Datasets
- class quake.datasets.ann_datasets.Dataset[source]
- download_dir: Path = None
- metric: str = 'l2'
- url: str = None
Index Wrappers
- class quake.index_wrappers.quake.QuakeWrapper[source]
- add(vectors: Tensor, ids: Tensor | None = None, num_threads: int = 0)[source]
Add vectors to the index.
- Parameters:
vectors – The vectors to add to the index.
ids – The ids of the vectors to add to the index.
- assignments: Tensor | None
- build(vectors: Tensor, nc: int, metric: str = 'l2', ids: Tensor | None = None, n_workers: int = 0, m: int = -1, code_size: int = 8)[source]
Build the index with the given vectors and arguments.
- Parameters:
vectors – The vectors to build the index with.
nc – The number of centroids (ivf).
metric – The distance metric to use, optional. Default is “l2”.
ids – The ids of the vectors.
- cluster_ids() Tensor [source]
Return the cluster assignments of the vectors in the index.
- Returns:
The cluster ids of the index
- d() int [source]
Return the dimension of the vectors in the index.
- Returns:
The dimension of the vectors in the index.
- index: QuakeIndex
- index_state() dict [source]
Return the state of the index.
n_list: The number of centroids in the index.
`n_total’: The number of vectors in the index.
metric: The distance metric used in the index.
- Returns:
The state of the index as a dictionary.
- load(filename: str, n_workers: int = 1, use_numa: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, verify_numa: bool = False, same_core: bool = True, use_centroid_workers: bool = False, use_adaptive_n_probe: bool = False)[source]
Load the index from a file.
- Parameters:
filename – The name of the file to load the index from.
- n_total() int [source]
Return the number of vectors in the index.
- Returns:
The number of vectors in the index.
- remove(ids: Tensor)[source]
Remove vectors from the index.
- Parameters:
indices – The indices of the vectors to remove.
- save(filename: str)[source]
Save the index to a file.
- Parameters:
filename – The name of the file to save the index to.
- search(query: Tensor, k: int, nprobe: int = 1, batched_scan=False, recall_target: float = -1, k_factor=4.0, use_precomputed=True) Tuple[Tensor, Tensor] [source]
Find the k-nearest neighbors of the query vectors.
- Parameters:
query – The query vectors.
k – The number of nearest neighbors to find.
nprobe – The number of centroids to visit during search. Default is 1.
- Returns:
The distances and indices of the k-nearest neighbors.
- class quake.index_wrappers.faiss_ivf.FaissIVF[source]
Wrapper class for faiss indexes.
- add(vectors: Tensor, ids: Tensor | None = None, num_threads: int = 0)[source]
Add vectors to the index.
- Parameters:
vectors – The vectors to add to the index.
ids – The ids of the vectors to add to the index.
- Raises:
AssertionError – If the vectors are not 2-dimensional.
- build(vectors: Tensor, nc: int, m: int = 0, b: int = 0, metric: str = 'l2', ids: Tensor | None = None)[source]
Build the index with the given vectors and arguments. When nc is 0, the index is a flat index or PQ index. When nc is not 0, the index is an IVF or IVFPQ index. (PQ is presence only if m and b are not 0)
- Parameters:
vectors – The vectors to build the index with.
nc – The number of centroids (ivf).
m – The number of subquantizers (pq), optional. Default is 0.
b – The number of bytes per code (pq), optional. Default is 0.
metric – The distance metric to use, optional. Default is “l2”.
- Raises:
AssertionError – If any of the constraints on nc, m, or b are violated.
- centroids() Tensor | None [source]
Return the centroids of the index if it is an IVF index. Otherwise, return None.
- Returns:
The centroids of the index or None if the index is not an IVF index.
- Return type:
Union[torch.Tensor, None]
- d() int [source]
Return the dimension of the vectors in the index.
- Returns:
The dimension of the vectors in the index.
- index: Index
- index_state() dict [source]
Return the state of the index.
n_list: The number of centroids in the index.
`n_total’: The number of vectors in the index.
metric: The distance metric used in the index.
- Returns:
The state of the index as a dictionary.
- load(filename: str)[source]
Load the index from a file.
- Parameters:
filename – The name of the file to load the index from.
- n_total() int [source]
Return the number of vectors in the index.
- Returns:
The number of vectors in the index.
- remove(ids: Tensor)[source]
Remove vectors from the index. :param ids: The ids of the vectors to remove.
- save(filename: str)[source]
Save the index to a file.
- Parameters:
filename – The name of the file to save the index to.
- search(query: Tensor, k: int, nprobe: int = 1, rf: int = 1, batched_scan: bool = False) Tuple[Tensor, Tensor] [source]
Find the k-nearest neighbors of the query vectors.
- Parameters:
query – The query vectors.
k – The number of nearest neighbors to find.
nprobe – The number of centroids to visit during search. Default is 1. Only used for IVF indexes.
rf – The re-ranking factor. Search for rf * k results to re-rank. Default is 1. Only used for PQ indexes.
- Returns:
The distances and indices of the k-nearest neighbors.
- class quake.index_wrappers.faiss_ivf.IndexType(value)[source]
Enum class for the different types of indexes.
- FLAT = 0
- IVF = 2
- IVFPQ = 3
- PQ = 1