Getting Started
Configuration Examples
Python Examples
Small Scale Link Prediction (FB15K-237)
Custom Dataset Link Prediction
Small Scale Node Classification (OGBN-Arxiv)
Configuration Interface
Python API
Datasets and Preprocessing
Model Export and Inference
Graph Learning
Python Examples
View page source
Python Examples
Small Scale Link Prediction (FB15K-237)
1. Create Dataset Class
2. Create Model
3. Create Dataloader
4. Train Model
5. Inference
6. Save Model
Custom Dataset Link Prediction
1. Create Dataset Class
2. Create Model
3. Create Dataloader
4. Train Model
5. Inference
6. Save Model
Small Scale Node Classification (OGBN-Arxiv)
1. Create Dataset Class
2. Create Model
1. Create Dataloader
4. Train Model
5. Inference
6. Save Model